
God is not late

We’ve all been there. Our fight seems to drag on, and the answer to our prayer does not arrive. Soon it will be too late. What is God doing? Why does He take so long to respond to us?

Series 2 Session 5 The stress of waiting

Then here are some questions to discuss: Read Psalms 13:1 (NKJV) 1. Have you ever felt what David is expressing here? Under what circumstances? How did you manage to get out of this state? Let’s do the exercise in the video. Close your eyes.See yourself in front of God. The One who created the universe with simply His Word. The One who knows your past and your future. Who knows exactly how you feel right now.

Series 1 Session 3 Waiting on God? Yes, but ...

Next, here are some questions to discuss: What do you hear the most in your church? To wait for God to send you a partner or to take steps to meet them? Why do we more than often hear: “Wait, God is preparing them for you”? Maybe it is also because they don’t want Singles to run after love all the time. Song of Songs 8:4 : I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases.