A popular verse given to single people says that “he who finds a wife finds a good thing”, sometimes translated by “finds happiness” (Proverbs 18:22). Does this mean that to be happy, you have to get married? That is far from the truth!

On the road to marriage
A popular verse given to single people says that “he who finds a wife finds a good thing”, sometimes translated by “finds happiness” (Proverbs 18:22). Does this mean that to be happy, you have to get married? That is far from the truth!
We are not looking for a woman just to spoon in bed, to spend time with, or to wash our clothes! Being a husband is a title that comes with great responsibilities.
The worst mistake to make when it comes to looking for a partner, or even marrying her, is to make that commitment without really knowing what we are doing. So let’s talk about it! What is the role of a man in marriage?
It’s not always easy to be a pastor! Sometimes, people ask pastors to pray for needs that are very hard to meet, especially when it comes to marriage! No wonder why some pastors look to flee when they see a single member of their congregation approaching them.