No one needs to teach us the law of retaliation (an eye for an eye). Our flesh is only satisfied when our aggressor becomes a victim. But this avenue only produces more retaliation. God has another path for us.

On the road to marriage
No one needs to teach us the law of retaliation (an eye for an eye). Our flesh is only satisfied when our aggressor becomes a victim. But this avenue only produces more retaliation. God has another path for us.
The idea of “correction” is not seen as a positive experience for most of us, and has been since childhood. Yet God’s righteous correction can be so beneficial. It should not be avoided.
Like a good Father, God wants us to grow in spiritual maturity. But there are areas where God prefers to take care of our needs, Himself, to avoid drama. And so are the injustices we can suffer.
The verb “to love” has lost some of its depth with time. We say that we love our parents, love pizza and love this or that character on a television series. Yet, recognizing God’s love for us can change everything!