Sometimes what God asks us to do is scary, so we need courage. Other times it is grueling, so we need persistence. But sometimes it’s only inconvenient. Then we need love and obedience.

On the road to marriage
Sometimes what God asks us to do is scary, so we need courage. Other times it is grueling, so we need persistence. But sometimes it’s only inconvenient. Then we need love and obedience.
Who said the Christian life would be easy? Certainly not the first disciples! Not only will our service to God take a great deal of effort, as will defending our faith, but our spiritual growth as well.
When we were children, we learned that if we do an action we will achieve a result. Therefore, to have what we covet, we strive to follow certain rules. But in God, it’s a little different.
Sometimes we give ourselves big goals then start with hope and determination, but after climbing the first steps, we realize that the climb will be much more difficult than expected. If you need strength this year, God has the solution!
The beginning of the year is always a good time to make life-changing decisions. If you want to see a change in your social status: don’t wait! No more excuses, this year you are moving forward!