Looking for a partner is a project that comes with risk. We must not go head first without first protecting some essential parts of our lives, and continuing to protect them during our quest.

On the road to marriage
Looking for a partner is a project that comes with risk. We must not go head first without first protecting some essential parts of our lives, and continuing to protect them during our quest.
Children learn by example. So for those of us who did not obey the will of God while dating, how can we teach our children the right way to go? It is never too late to be a good example.
“It’s never too late to see your dreams come true”, we often hear this from many motivational speakers. However, clinging to our past dreams can keep us from entering the best season of our lives. It’s time to move to Plan B.
It’s the clichéd American dream: finish school, get married, buy a house, have children then finally get a puppy. In that order. However, this way of life is rarely feasible. Should we really plan our big life transitions in that order?
Years have gone by and you’re still single. You thought that at this age you would already be married with one, two or three children. But no. The wedding can wait, but the idea of having children seems to have an expiration date. When the biological clock starts ringing, what do you do as a Christian?