Then here are some questions to discuss:
Read Luke 17:11 to 19. Ten lepers were healed, but only 1 was saved. What did he do differently from the others to obtain this favour? And what does that teach you, personally?
The Bible encourages us to remember God’s blessings to us. How will your prayer be different if, before praying for your needs, you take time to thank Him for what He has already given you?
Being single isn’t always easy. So how can we be grateful to God in our singleness?
Another way of showing our gratitude to God is to testify to others of God’s goodness towards us, to tell others of the good things that God has done for us. How do you feel after giving a testimony? What difference does it make in the lives of others to hear your gratitude?
Read Luke 11:11-13. When a father tells his child that he is going to buy him a bicycle, the child says thank you before he even gets it and is already happy and excited about his bicycle, even though it’s not here yet. Do you have the same attitude when reading God’s promises? Why?
We can also rejoice for the successes of others, thanking God for the blessings our brothers and sisters received. Is it easy for you to do this? What’s stopping you from doing it? And if you do, what feeling do you get after glorifying God for the blessings of others?
Read Philippians 4:6. In the verse here, we can understand that gratitude (thanksgiving) is the opposite of worrying. Do you agree with this statement? If so, how could gratitude reduce your times of worry?
Read Romans 8:37. We can even use gratitude as a spiritual weapon. Why do you think the enemy doesn’t appreciate us being grateful to God? How could it be bad for him to see us grateful to God?
Being grateful to God is an essential part of our relationship with Him. But it is also a good practice to adopt in all our relationships. What will it change in our relationships if we show gratitude? And how can we be grateful to our authorities at church or at work… without coming across as “leech” (a person who uses flattery to obtain favors)?
That’s it, this is the last question in this series of the “A Mug and A Bible” project. What did you like about your experience? What are you grateful for?
Some prayer points to conclude:
Ask God for forgiveness if you had a bit of a “spoiled baby” attitude, if you had lacked gratitude lately;
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you be grateful;
Perhaps go around the table, and each person could say “thank you” to God for one thing in particular;
… And of course, please pray for Passion374! Thank you!
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