Then here are some questions to discuss:
Technology is there to help us be more efficient in our work, to help us save time. But you, personally, does technology allow you to have more time to rest, or does technology occupy you even more?
Read Luke 10:38-42. What does this story teach you about managing your time?
When we think about managing our time well, we must first establish our priorities. What should our priorities be?
What are the signals that tell you that you have not put your priorities in order?
Read Psalms 84:10. Why is putting God first so important? And how do you have a “good” time with God, and not just a “forced” time with God?
When we take the time to think about our priorities, we have all the good intentions in the world to keep our priorities in order. But time passes and we forget our priorities. What tips or habits could we give ourselves to remind ourselves to keep our priorities in order?
A good way to keep our priorities in order is to set goals in each area. What might be our goals in our relationship with God? What might our goals be for our own well-being? What might our goals be in relation to our service to God?
Being too busy can also prevent us from meeting a good life partner. Have you planned a time slot in your calendar to meet a potential partner? If yes, to do what? If not, why?
In the story of Martha and Mary, Martha was doing a service for Jesus! It seemed legitimate! What distractions seem legitimate to you at first glance, but come to think of it, they keep you from doing the right thing for Jesus?
Some prayer points to conclude:
Ask the Holy Spirit to help us re-establish our priorities
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you set goals
… And of course, please pray for Passion374! Thank you!
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